隐私权政策 Privacy Policy 1. 我们收集的信息 1. Information We Collect 本产品是一款智能终端应用软件。在您使用此类产品服务的过程中,我们会按照如下方式收集您在使用时主动提供的或因为使用而产生的信息,用以向您提供服务、优化我们的服务以及保障您的账户安全; This product is a smart terminal application software. In the process of using such products and services, we will collect the information that you voluntarily provide during or as a result of use in the following ways to provide services to you, optimize our services and protect the security of your account; 当您使用应用时,我们会收集您的存储信息,当您注册时,我们会收集您的手机号,用于当您忘记账号或密码时,为您找回账号和密码。当您使用蓝牙配网功能时,我们会在征得您的同意后,获取您的位置信息,以便扫描周边的蓝牙设备进行配网连接,位置信息属于敏感信息,拒绝提供该信息只会导致您无法使用我们提供的蓝牙配网功能,但不影响您正常使用应用提供的其他服务;当您使用扫描二维码的功能时,我们会在征得您的同意后,获取您的相机信息;相机信息属于敏感信息,拒绝提供该信息只会导致您无法使用我们提供的扫描二维码的功能,但不影响您正常使用应用提供的其他服务。 When you use the app, we collect your stored information, and when you register, we collect your mobile phone number to retrieve your account number and password for you when you forget your account number or password. When you use the Bluetooth network distribution function, we will obtain your location information after obtaining your consent, in order to scan the surrounding Bluetooth devices for distribution network connection, the location information is sensitive information, refusal to provide this information will only lead to you can not use the Bluetooth network function we provide, but does not affect your normal use of other services provided by the application; When you use the function of scanning the QR code, we will obtain your camera information after obtaining your consent; Camera information is sensitive information, and refusing to provide it will only prevent you from using the QR code scanning function we provide, but will not affect your normal use of other services provided by the app. 为了保障本产品的稳定运行或实现相关功能,产品集成友盟+SDK及推送通道SDK(如小米、华为、oppo、vivo、魅族),推送通道SDK需要收集采集设备标识符(IMEI/MAC/Android ID/IDFA/OpenUDID/GUID/SIM 卡 IMSI 信息/IP地址),用于唯一标识设备,以便向用户设备推送消息。采集地理位置甄别推送通道,提高消息推送的区域覆盖率 In order to ensure the stable operation of this product or to achieve related functions, the product integrates youmeng + SDK and push channel SDKs (such as Xiaomi, Huawei, oppo, vivo, Meizu) , and the push channel SDK needs to collect and collect device identifiers (IMEI/MAC/Android ID/IDFA/OpenUDID/GUID/SIM card IMSI information/IP address) for unique identification of devices in order to push messages to user devices. Collect geographical locations to identify push channels and improve the regional coverage of message pushes 另外,根据相关法律法规及国家标准,以下情形中,我们可能会收集、使用您的相关个人信息无需征求您的授权同意: In addition, in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and national standards, in the following circumstances, we may collect and use your relevant personal information without your authorization and consent: 与国家安全、国防安全等国家利益直接相关的;与公共安全、公共卫生、公共知情等重大公共利益直接相关的; Directly related to national interests such as national security and national defense and security; Directly related to major public interests such as public safety, public health, and public knowledge; 与犯罪侦查、起诉、审判和判决执行等直接相关的; Directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial, and enforcement of judgments; 出于维护您或其他个人的生命、财产、声誉等重大合法权益但又很难得到本人同意的; For the purpose of safeguarding the life, property, reputation and other major legitimate rights and interests of you or other individuals, but it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person; 所收集的个人信息是您自行向社会公众公开的; The personal information collected is disclosed to the public by yourself; 从合法公开披露的信息中收集个人信息的,如合法的新闻报道、政府信息公开等渠道; Collecting personal information from lawfully and publicly disclosed information, such as lawful news reports, open government information, and other such channels; 根据您要求签订和履行合同所必需的; necessary for the conclusion and performance of a contract at your request; 用于维护所提供的产品或服务的安全稳定运行所必需的,例如发现、处置产品或服务的故障; Necessary for maintaining the safe and stable operation of the products or services provided, such as discovering and disposing of the failure of the products or services; 为开展合法的新闻报道所必需的; Necessary for the conduct of lawful news reporting; 出于公共利益开展统计或学术研究所必要,且其对外提供学术研究或描述的结果时,对结果中所包含的个人信息进行去标识化处理的; De-identifying the personal information contained in the results when it is necessary to carry out statistical or academic research in the public interest, and when it provides the results of academic research or descriptions to the outside world; 法律法规规定的其他情形。 Other circumstances provided for by laws and regulations. 请您理解,我们向您提供的功能和服务是不断更新和发展的,如果某一功能或服务未在前述说明中且收集了您的信息,我们会通过页面提示、交互流程、网站公告等方式另行向您说明信息收集的内容、范围 和目的,以征得您的同意。 Please understand that the functions and services we provide to you are constantly updated and developed, if a function or service is not in the aforementioned description and collects your information, we will separately explain to you the content and scope of information collection through page prompts, interactive processes, website announcements, etc and purpose to obtain your consent. 2. 信息的存储 2. Storage of Information 2.1 信息存储的方式和期限 2.1 Manner and Duration of Information Storage 我们会通过安全的方式存储您的信息,包括本地存储(例如利用APP进行数据缓存)、数据库和服务器日志。 We store your information in a secure manner, including local storage (e.g. data caching using the APP), databases and server logs. 一般情况下,我们只会在为实现服务目的所必需的时间内或法律法规规定的条件下存储您的个人信息。 In general, we will only store your personal information for the time necessary to achieve the purpose of the service or under the conditions stipulated by laws and regulations. 2.2 信息存储的地域 2.2 The region where the information is stored 我们会按照法律法规规定,将境内收集的用户个人信息存储于中国境内。 We will store the personal information of users collected in China in accordance with laws and regulations. 目前我们不会跨境传输或存储您的个人信息。将来如需跨境传输或存储的,我们会向您告知信息出境的目的、接收方、安全保证措施和安全风险,并征得您的同意。 We do not transfer or store your personal information across borders at this time. In the future, if cross-border transmission or storage is required, we will inform you of the purpose of the information export, the recipient, the security guarantee measures and security risks, and obtain your consent. 2.3 产品或服务停止运营时的通知 2.3 Notice when a Product or Service Ceases to Operate 当我们的产品或服务发生停止运营的情况时,我们将以推送通知、公告等形式通知您,并在合理期限内删除您的个人信息或进行匿名化处理,法律法规另有规定的除外。 When our products or services cease to operate, we will notify you in the form of push notifications, announcements, etc., and delete your personal information or anonymize you within a reasonable period of time, unless otherwise provided by laws and regulations. 3. 信息安全 3. Information Security 3.1 安全保护措施 3.1 Security Measures 我们努力为用户的信息安全提供保障,以防止信息的泄露、丢失、不当使用、未经授权访问和披露等。我们使用多方位的安全保护措施,以确保用户的个人信息保护处于合理的安全水平,包括技术保护手段 、管理制度控制、安全体系保障等诸多方面。 We strive to provide protection for the security of users' information to prevent the disclosure, loss, improper use, unauthorized access and disclosure of information. We use multi-faceted security protection measures to ensure that the protection of users' personal information is at a reasonable level of security, including technical protection means 3. Management system control, safety system guarantee and many other aspects. 我们建立了保障个人信息安全专门的管理制度、流程和组织。例如,我们严格限制访问信息的人员范围,要求他们遵守保密义务并进行审计,违反义务的人员会根据规定进行处罚。我们也会审查该管理制度 、流程和组织,以防未经授权的人员擅自访问、使用或披露用户的信息。 We have established a special management system, process and organization to ensure the security of personal information. For example, we strictly limit the scope of people who have access to information, require them to comply with confidentiality obligations and conduct audits, and those who violate them are punished according to the regulations. We will also review the regulatory regime , processes and organizations to prevent unauthorized access, use or disclosure of user information. 我们建议您在使用产品和服务时充分注意对个人信息的保护,我们也会提供多种安全功能来协助您保护自己的个人信息安全。 We recommend that you pay full attention to the protection of personal information when using products and services, and we will also provide a variety of security features to help you protect the security of your personal information. 3.2 安全事件处置措施 3.2 Measures to deal with security incidents 若发生个人信息泄露、损毁、丢失等安全事件,我们会启动应急预案,阻止安全事件扩大。安全事件发生后,我们会及时以推送通知、邮件等形式告知您安全事件的基本情况、我们即将或 已经采取的处置 措施和补救措施,以及我们对您的应对建议。如果难以实现逐一告知,我们将通过公告等方式发布警示。 In the event of a security incident such as leakage, damage, or loss of personal information, we will initiate an emergency plan to prevent the expansion of security incidents. After a security incident occurs, we will promptly inform you of the basic situation of the security incident in the form of push notifications, emails, etc., and the disposition we are about to take or have taken Actions and remedies, and our recommendations for your response. If it is difficult to achieve one by one notification, we will issue a warning through announcements and other means. 4. 我们如何使用信息 4. How We Use Information 我们严格遵守法律法规的规定以及与用户的约定,按照本隐私保护指引所述使用收集的信息,以向您提供更为优质的服务。 We strictly abide by the provisions of laws and regulations and the agreement with users, and use the collected information in accordance with the provisions of this privacy protection guidelines to provide you with better services. 4.1 向您提供我们的服务: 4.1 To provide you with our services: 在我们提供服务时用作客户服务、安全、诈骗侦测、存储和备份用途; for customer service, security, fraud detection, storage and backup purposes when we provide services; 4.2 向您提供广告: 4.2 To provide you with advertisements: 为更了解您如何访问和使用我们的服务、为尝试改善我们的服务及回应客户意愿和偏好,包括语言设定、位置设定、个性化支持和指引,或就您和其他使用我们服务的客户给予其他回 应; To better understand how you access and use our Services, to attempt to improve our Services and to respond to customer wishes and preferences, including language settings, location settings, personalized support and guidance, or to give other responses to you and other customers who use our Services; 4.3 有助我们开发新服务,改善我们已有服务: 4.3 To help us develop new services and improve our existing services: 评估有关我们服务广告和其他促销及推广活动的效力,并加以改善; evaluate and improve the effectiveness of advertisements and other promotions and promotions relating to our Services; 为软件认证或管理软件升级;及让您参与有关我们产品和服务的调查及其他活动。 Upgrade software for software certification or management; and to allow you to participate in surveys and other activities about our products and services. 5. 对外提供 5. Externally Available 目前,我们不会主动共享或转让您的个人信息至第三方,如存在其他共享或转让您的个人信息或您需要我们将您的个人信息共享或转让至第三方情形时,我们会直接或确认第三方征得您对上述行为的明示同 意。 At present, we will not actively share or transfer your personal information to a third party, if there is other sharing or transfer of your personal information or you need us to share or transfer your personal information to a third party, we will directly or confirm that the third party will ask you for the above behavior Meaning. 我们不会对外公开披露所收集的个人信息,如必须公开披露时,我们会向您告知此次公开披露的目的、披露信息的类型及可能涉及的敏感信息,并征得您的明示同意。 We will not publicly disclose the personal information collected, and if it is necessary to disclose publicly, we will inform you of the purpose of the public disclosure, the type of information disclosed, and the sensitive information that may be involved, and obtain your explicit consent. 随着我们业务的持续发展,我们有可能进行合并、收购、资产转让等交易,我们将告知您相关情形,按照法律法规及不低于本隐私保护指引所要求的标准继续保护或要求新的控制者继续保护您的个人信息。 As our business continues to develop, we may conduct mergers, acquisitions, asset transfers and other transactions, and we will inform you of the relevant circumstances, continue to protect or require new controllers to continue to protect your personal information in accordance with laws and regulations and standards not lower than those required by this Privacy Protection Guidelines. 另外,根据相关法律法规及国家标准,以下情形中,我们可能会共享、转让、公开披露个人信息无需事先征得您的授权同意: In addition, in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and national standards, in the following circumstances, we may share, transfer, and publicly disclose personal information without your prior authorization and consent: 与国家安全、国防安全直接相关的; Directly related to national security and national defense security; 与公共安全、公共卫生、重大公共利益直接相关的; Directly related to public safety, public health, or major public interests; 与犯罪侦查、起诉、审判和判决执行等直接相关的; Directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial, and enforcement of judgments; 出于维护个人信息主体或其他个人的生命、财产等重大合法权益但又很难得到本人同意的; For the purpose of safeguarding the life, property, or other major lawful rights and interests of the subject of personal information or other individuals, but it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person; 个人信息主体自行向社会公众公开个人信息的; Where Personal Data Subjects disclose personal information to the public on their own; 从合法公开披露的信息中收集个人信息的,如合法的新闻报道、政府信息公开等渠道。 Where personal information is collected from lawfully and publicly disclosed information, such as lawful news reports, open government information, and other such channels. 6. 您的权利 6. Your Rights 在您使用本应用服务期间,我们可能会视产品具体情况为您提供相应的操作设置,以便您可以查询、删除、更正或撤回您的相关个人信息。此外,我们还设置了投诉举报渠道,您的意见将会得到及时的处理。 During your use of this application service, we may provide you with corresponding operation settings according to the specific situation of the product, so that you can inquire, delete, correct or withdraw your relevant personal information. In addition, we have also set up a complaint reporting channel, and your comments will be dealt with in a timely manner. 7. 联系我们 7. Contact Us 当您有其他的投诉、建议、未成年人个人信息相关问题或需要删除所有访问记录时, 请通过support@eybond.com与我们联系。 When you have other complaints, suggestions, questions about minors' personal information, or need to delete all access records, please contact us via support@eybond.com. 我们将尽快审核所涉问题,并在验证您的用户身份后的十五天内予以回复。 We will review the issue as soon as possible and respond within fifteen days of verifying your user identity. 应用名称:Sole Smart App Name: Sole Smart 开发者名称:Vsole Solor Energy Pvt. Ltd Developer name: Vsole Solor Energy Pvt. Ltd