《隱私政策》 Privacy Policy 您使用我們的服務,即表示同意我們可按照本《隱私政策》收集、使用和分享您的數據。 By using our services, you agree that we may collect, use and share your Information in accordance with this Privacy Policy, as revised from time to time. 本《隱私政策》的範圍 SCOPE OF THIS PRIVACY POLICY 我們的所有服務適用於本《隱私政策》 This Privacy Policy applies across all of our services. 我們所收集的數據及如何收集數據 THE INFORMATION WE COLLECT AND HOW WE COLLECT IT 您建立帳戶或使用我們的服務時,向我們所提供的數據,例如您的姓名、電話號碼、電子郵件地址; information you make available to us when you open an account or use our services, such as your name, telephone number, email address; 您使用我們服務時向我們的服務所提供的數據,包括您透過我們的服務向其他方提供的共享數據,以及您使用我們的服務時所存儲的數據; information which you make available to our services as you use them, including Shared Information you make available to others through our services and information you store using our services; 其他方使用我們的服務時所提供有關您的共享數據,例如:他們發布信息所包含的數據,以及他們發給您和其他使用我們服務的用戶的通信數據;及 Shared Information that others using our services make available about you, such as information contained in posts they make and communications they make to you and others using our services; and 您使用我們服務時我們所收集的數據,例如位置數據、日誌數據和公開信息。 information we collect as you use our services, such as certain Location Data, Log Data and public information. 我們如何使用您的數據 HOW WE USE YOUR INFORMATION 我們可將您的數據用於下列用途: We may use your Information for any of the following purposes: 向您提供我們的服務: to provide our services to you; 在我們提供服務時用作客戶服務、安全、詐騙偵測、存儲和備份用途: for customer service, security, fraud-detection, archival and backup purposes in connection with the provision of our services; 向您提供廣告; to provide you with advertising ; 為更了解您如何訪問和使用我們的服務、為嘗試改善我們的服務及回應客戶意願和偏好,包括語言設定、位置設定、個性化支持和指引,或就您和其他使用我們服務的客戶給予其他回應; to better understand how you access and use our services, for the purposes of trying to improve our services and to respond to customer desires and preferences, including language and location customisation,personalised help and instructions, or other responses to your and other customers' usage of our services; 有助我們開發新服務,改善我們已有服務; to help us develop our new services and improve our existing services; 評估有關我們服務廣告和其他促銷及推廣活動的效力,並加以改善; to assess the effectiveness of and improve advertising and other marketing and promotional activities on or in connection with our services; 為軟件認證或管理軟件升級;及 for the purposes of software verification or administering software upgrades; and 讓您參與有關我們產品和服務的調查及其他活動。 to allow you to participate in surveys and other activities about our products and services. 共享您的個人數據 SHARING OF YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION 我們遵照法律法規的規定,對信息的分享進行嚴格的限制. We will strictly limit the sharing of information in accordance with the laws and regulations 保留您的個人數據 RETENTION OF YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION 在不違反適用法律及法規的前提下(包括上文「共享您的個人數據」一節所載的規定),我們只在必要情況下才會一直保留您的個人數據,以符合上文「我們如何使用您的數據」一節所載的>目的。 Subject to applicable laws and regulations (including as set out under the “Sharing of your Personal Information” section above), we will only retain your Personal Information for so long as is necessary to fulfill the purposes as set out under the “How We Use Your Information” section above.